Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Washington, DC - April, 2014

A strange confession: although I have traveled to Europe several times, China twice, and all around the U.S. and Canada, I did not visit Washington DC until I was 33 years old! I had the opportunity to go last November to a work conference and was joined by my mom. We got in a ton of touring and eating (she more so than I, at least on the touring, since I was at the conference during the days). I should have written a trip report, but I am not sure if my memory is good enough at this point to do. However, what I do know is that I completely fell in love with the area, and I promised myself that my own children would get to see this city before their third decade. So, for Easter weekend, I found a great rate at the same hotel I had stayed at in November. We packed up our car and hit the road on Thursday night for a nice long weekend. Here's the report.